Salt of Life International AG - Therapies for chronic skin diseases

Salt of Life Group Company Chart

Board of Directors

Dr. Hans- Joachim Zeisel, President & CEO
Dr. Adrian Plüss
Andreas Bühlmann

Salt of Life International AG

Salt of Life International AG is the Holding Company of the Salt of Life Group, which develops, manufactures, sales and markets medical bath units, skin care products and medical devices for skin care and for the treatment of chronic skin diseases, in particular psoriasis, neurodermatitis and atopic dermatitis.     > Details    

Mavena Health Care
Deutschland GmbH
Berlin, Deutschland

Marketing, sales and distribution of all Salt of Life skin care products in Germany

Salt of Life Technology GmbH
Leubsdorf, Germany

Development, sales and production of brine bath technologies (Dermasan, Freelaxx Floating)

Mavena Health Care (Schweiz) GmbH, Baden, Switzerland

Controlling and administration of the Salt of Life Group. Development, production, strategic marketing and sales of all Salt of Life products in Switzerland.

Mavena USA, Inc., USA
Mavena Derma Center, Inc., Chicago
Mavena Health Care, Inc., Dallas

Planning, Implementation and operation of Mavena Derma Centers; Marketing and sales of Mavena skin products

Mavena Health Care Italia srl.
Genova, Italy

Marketing and sales of Mavena skin products